Specific Conditions |
The Specific Conditions screen appears in each of the parts find search methods.
Finding the appropriate parts for a vehicle is sometimes dependent on the various options with which the vehicle is equipped. When you pick parts by part group, part type or job you may be asked to define some of the vehicle's options, or specific conditions that help determine the appropriate parts for the vehicle. Whenever one of these situations occurs you are presented with a screen to resolve these situations. Some of the situations are yes/no questions like whether the vehicle has air conditioning. Sometimes the question is a multiple choice such as whether the vehicle is a ½ ton, ¾ ton, or 1 ton pickup. In all cases an optional answer is "don't know". If you select this answer the parts list will contain all parts that might or might not fit the vehicle with a flag to indicate that the part will only be applicable if certain vehicle conditions are met.